“Why Do You Exist? (and why do I love you so?)”; stems from an experiment in fostering joy from simplistic and unexpected means. While sourcing props at junk stores and vintage shops, these items invoked a momentary pause of appreciation that also caused a deeper personal investigation challenging notions of good taste. The goods documented have all be designed and produced and discarded and then ultimately purchased. As a consumer, one might question the intent of the creator; or the buyer.
These images serve as a non-cynical celebration of the unconventional beautiful yet potentiall ill-conceived design decisions inherently embodied in the objects themselves. The representation of these artifacts is reflexive of how the photographs are constructed; a bit worn but upmarket with misplaced elements that at once elicits potential aesthetic confusion and fancy. A hyper-commercial approach is employed that is a hybrid of contemporary product photography conventions and moreover is an homage to the “Hero Image” that dominated the industry in the early oughts. A quick half smile or facial shrug on the part of the viewer with prove true the project’s creative mission.
....in process

NYC commuter + Philadelphia
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